Windermere Home Owners Association, Inc.

News & Events

Windermere January News


Windermere Winter Updates - Investing in Our Community


   Happy New Year!

Hoping all have had a wonderful holiday season and wishing you and yours all the best for a terrific 2025!


Speaking of holidays, CONGRATULATIONS to:


  • Drawing winners Alice H (6 years), Dalton B (10 years), and Brewer A (12 years).
  • Decorating contest winners at:
    • 10030 Windward Pass (1st)
    • 11047 Windermere Boulevard (2nd)
    • 10410 Woods Edge Drive (3rd)
    • 11258 Treyburn Drive (Honorable Mention)


Photos are available at the News and Events page.  Many thanks to all who participated and helped Windermere shine with holiday spirit!



Windermere Park Updates


  • New playground equipment installation continues and should finish in the coming 7-10 days.PLEASE OBSERVE PARK CLOSED SIGNS and construction tape blocking access to equipment until it is removed.Playground equipment is expected to be accessible after January 15.
  • A playground “grand opening” ceremony will be scheduled for the spring.Watch your email and for details.
  • Please observe Windermere Park operating hours.The park is open during daylight hours only.Security cameras have captured late night trespassers (including residents, unfortunately) and damage to WHOA property, with Fishers Police Department removing unauthorized visitors.Parents:Please assure your teenagers understand and obey park hours.



Trash Service Changes to TUESDAY starting January 14 – DO NOT USE NEW BINS


Republic has delivered new trash cans to many Windermere residents IN ERROR.   PLEASE PLACE NEWLY DELIVERED CANS BETWEEN SIDEWALK AND STREET FOR COLLECTION BY REPUBLIC IN COMING DAYS.  If you need new or replacement can(s), please advise Republic AFTER January 14.  See letter from Republic attached to this email.


The last Republic Services trash pick up under the Windermere HOA contract takes place Monday, January 6.  Starting January 13 all residential trash services will fall under a new contract between the City of Fishers and Republic Services.


The new trash day for Windermere will be TUESDAY, starting January 14 for regular garbage and recycling.  Recycling will be collected every other week, as it was under the WHOA contract.  Leaf/yard waste will be collected the months of April and November.  Large item pick ups will require separate collection at additional cost ($25) and can be scheduled by calling Republic Services at 317-917-7300.


Trash services will be billed directly to residents by Fishers, using the same process as sewer bills.  For additional information see:



PLEASE REMEMBER:  Windermere covenant section 13.11 requires “No rubbish, trash or garbage containers shall be stored or maintained outdoors except for such temporary storage necessary for immediate pick up…”  Thanks for making sure trash cans are stored in garages when not outside for trash collection, and assuring your neighborhood appears clean and orderly.  Please note this requirement will not be enforced for cans delivered in error by Republic and set outside for collection in coming days.



Windermere HOA Board of Director Nominations:


There are two Board of Director positions to be filled for 2025.  If interested in serving, please complete the nomination form  (click here)  and return to ASAP.  Those submitting nominations will be contacted by a current director to review expectations and confirm interest.  Director appointments will be completed not later than the Board’s January 20, 2025 meeting.  Thank you!




Quick Hits:


  • SNOW JOKE!  Looks like we’ll see the season’s first significant snowfall this weekend.  Be safe!
    • Remember to clear your sidewalks.
    • Please give City of Fishers plows plenty of room to operate safely and do not park on streets.Note that residential streets are addressed after primary and secondary city roads.Also note WHOA covenants prohibit overnight street parking.
    • WHOA contracts for plowing only on the four “eyebrows” located on Greenway Drive (2), Glen Abbey Lane (1) and Muirfield Trace (1).No parking is allowed on those eyebrows.
  • WHOA dues invoices were mailed first week of December and due January 1.A $75 late fee will be charged if payment is not RECEIVED by January 31.Electronic payment can be made via or checks can be mailed to:

Windermere Homeowners Association, Inc.

C/O Association Management, Inc.

PO Box 6210

Fishers, IN 46038

  • Don’t be a Grinch, please remove holiday decorations and lights not later than January 10, per WHOA covenants.Thanks to everyone who decorated their properties and spread much cheer in Windermere!
  • If your property is missing parkway tree(s)… Please prepare now to plant replacement tree(s) this winter or spring.WHOA has worked with City of Fishers to assure Windermere residents replacing parkway trees receive permits to plant approved tree species.See Parkway Tree Helpful Hints at
  • Curb your pets!  Windermere has seen an increasing number of dog attacks and animal waste in neighbor yards and common areas.  PLEASE:
    • Keep all dogs/pets in control or on leash when walking them in the neighborhood.
    • Assure dogs/pets are under control on your property, fenced (electronic or physical) if not leashed.
    • Report loose dogs and/or dog bites to Fishers Animal Control.
    • Remember that your loving pet may appear threatening to others.  Be considerate.  Limit barking and aggressive behavior.
    • City of Fishers ordinance and WHOA covenants regulate these issues.  Please speak directly with neighbors when a concern arises but know Fishers/HOA resources will support you if animals are not managed in a neighborly fashion.




CONTACT YOUR HOA – Use Contact Buttons at or:

Dana Stout, Director of Community Association Management


T:  317.915.0400, Option 5         F:  317.915.0404




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