Windermere Home Owners Association, Inc.

Documents & Forms

Access to view these documents and forms requires login with your user name and password.  Please login first.

NOTICE: Information on this page may contain private, confidential or privileged information and you, as a user of this site, agree not to copy, distribute, disclose or publish the information elsewhere. 

Windermere Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions



Windermere Trampoline Exception Agreement



Windermere Guidelines and Standards



Windermere Change Request Check List



Windermere Impacted Neighbor Statement


Windermere Homeowner Request For Change Application

Any exterior change or addition to your home or lot requires HOA approval before any work begins.  Use this form to submit your request and plans to the Architectural Review Committee (ARC).  If you are in the process of purchasing a home in Windermere, please do not submit an ARC Application until you close and become a member of the Windermere HOA. 
NOTE:  Projects that have not been approved by the HOA first will result in a violation on your account which may effect selling of your home or other HOA services.



Effective April 2019 - If any part of your project or improvement extends into a drainage or utility easement, a Fishers Drainage Easement Construction Permit is required to be submitted with your Windermere application.  Please visit Fishers Public Works web site for details.

Application Status Check



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