Windermere HOA Update
June 26, 2024
Greetings, Windermere Neighbors!
Hope you’re enjoying a wonderful summer. There’s a lot of activity in the neighborhood, with more to come. Some items your HOA Board of Directors hopes you find helpful:
- Happy Independence Day! Best wishes to all as you celebrate the 248th anniversary of our nation’s independence!
- Please join friends and neighbors for the FIRST ALL-WINDERMERE 4th of JULY BIKE PARADE! Meet at Windermere Park to decorate your bikes prior to the 10:00 a.m. start. Cover bikes, golf carts, wagons, kids and yourselves in red, white and blue, and enjoy watermelon after. Guests and spectators welcome! The parade route is 1.2 miles along Windermere Boulevard to the Heritage Green neighborhood then ending back at the Windermere Park.
- Celebrate wisely and safely!
- City of Fishers permits fireworks only between 5:00 p.m. and 2 hours after sunset from June 29 through July 9, except for the 4th, when fireworks are allowed 10:00 a.m. to Midnight.
- No fireworks are permitted to be launched from or toward HOA Common Areas including the Windermere Park OR Ironwood Golf Course.Respect neighboring properties.
- Please remember some of your neighbors and pets may not share your enthusiasm for fireworks.Be respectful of your neighbors’ wishes and requests.Let them know your plans.For those concerned about fireworks, please communicate with your neighbors.With the great Windermere community we all enjoy, there’s no doubt reasonable and respectful compromises can be achieved.
- Playground renovation plans continue to move forward, with final equipment selection taking place in the coming days, and contract finalization expected early July. A project update is available at, including layouts and equipment descriptions. Log in to your account, where you will find the update on “Your Dashboard,” titled “Playground Update June 2024” in the “Active Resources” panel. This is a six-figure (re)investment in our community, and your feedback is welcome! Thanks also to those who have emailed or participated in the HOA Board’s May 20 meeting on this topic.
- HOA Common Area Updates
- Renovation of the Windermere Boulevard and Mollenkopf Road entrance will take place this fall, funded by Windermere HOA reserves and a $14,000 City of Fishers Neighborhood Vibrancy Grant.Many thanks to HOA Landscape Committee volunteers for their work obtaining contractor bids and successful efforts with the Fishers grant!
- Renovation of the 96th Street and Windermere Boulevard entrance is next on the priority list, expected for this fall or next spring.
- Work continues on landscaping restoration at the 106th Street and Hoosier Road/Windermere Boulevard roundabout, where the HOA is working to assure City of Fishers contractors complete all agreed repairs and planting.
- After a wet and challenging start to the spring mowing season, Encore Landscape is in full swing to care for Windermere common areas and WHOA maintained landscape easements.Thanks to everyone for their patience as this work transitioned from the previous service provider.Hamilton County GIS mapping was used for the first time this year to identify all areas where Windermere has responsibility and deeded access/easements for landscape services.As a result, several property owners were informed WHOA has no legal authority or access to care for areas that had been incorrectly mowed at community expense in prior years.
- Gaddies Tree Service has been removing dead and dying trees from HOA property and landscape easements. Each area affected will be reviewed this summer to identify replacement tree and shrub requirements, with new plantings this fall and next spring.
- REMINDER:Windermere Parking Requirements:
- Windermere covenants prohibit overnight street parking. Every property owner agreed to respect these covenants when purchasing their property. Please assure all residents and guest vehicles are parked in your garage or driveway overnight, without blocking the sidewalk. WHOA will enforce this requirement when made aware of violations.
- Please ask your guests to be considerate when parking:
- Avoid parking directly across from a neighbor’s driveway – use common sense, kindness, and minimize risk of vehicle damagewhen cars back out of driveways.
- Per City of Fishers Ordinance:
- No parking is permitted within 15 feet of a fire hydrant.
- Sidewalks cannot be blocked.
- Cars must be parked 20 feet from any intersection, and 30 feet from stop signs .
- Violations of Fishers parking ordinances may be reported to Fishers Police Department at 317-773-1282 (non-emergency line).
- Pool operations are going well. Five new umbrellas have been added on the deck, and new filters are working smoothly, Pool chemistry is monitored automatically, with a daily human double check. There are no single day passes available for non-pool members. Windermere pool members receive five free guest day-passes and may purchase more online or at the pool gate.
- Tennis club memberships remain available at no charge via the HOA website. It’s important to sign up and obtain the gate code. Please do not share gate code. Members will be advised by email when gate code is changed so keep your annual Tennis Club membership current. The code is expected to be changed soon.
- Parkway Trees. Parkway/street trees add beauty, shade, and a proven means of traffic slowing. Their presence, maintenance and care enhance your property value and neighborhood safety. The HOA will continue working with residents to assure parkway tree requirements recorded in our covenants, landscaping standards, and property plats are followed.
- Thanks to all who have removed and replaced dead or diseased parkway trees.
- Please trim limbs to 7’ minimum clearance over sidewalks.Trim on the street side to reduce risk of damage from trash removal, recycling, and delivery trucks.
- If your lot is missing parkway trees, please plant replacements promptly, using species found at the City of Fishers approved street tree planting guide at
- WHOA Board is working with City of Fishers to assure street tree permits are approved appropriately, and that residents select an alternate location in the rare instance a street tree permit is denied due to utility line location.Street trees were planted at the time all homes were constructed, so there’s no reason to expect trees cannot be replaced.
- Neighborhood safety and traffic control:
- WHOA contracts with a City of Fishers police officer to patrol our streets, the community park and playground, and also to monitor adherence to traffic laws.
- If you have an immediate and urgent safety concern, please dial 911 and report immediately.
- For less urgent concerns, feel free to use the “Contact WHOA Board” link on the HOA website to alert us to areas that require attention.
- Please obey all speed limits and traffic signs.Our contracted patrol officer will issue tickets for those violating traffic laws in an effort to assure the safety of our neighbors and especially children.
- HOA Board of Director meetings typically take place the third Monday of each month. HOA residents are welcome to share concerns or questions at any meeting. Meetings are usually scheduled via Zoom to assure greatest access achievable, allowing participation by those who travel, have child care needs, or face other challenges to in-person meetings. Use the “contact property management” button on the WHOA website to request meeting details and Zoom link. If you have a specific concern or question, please included that in your communication so the Board can be prepared to best assist you.