Windermere Home Owners Association, Inc.

News & Events

Crabapple tree trimming & treatment on Windermere Blvd.


Crabapple tree trimming & treatment


The crabapple trees at the entrance of Windermere Blvd. East of Mollenkopf are being trimmed and treated by Bartlett Tree Experts.  Last year, the HOA removed several dying crabapple trees in the median to allow room for the more mature crabapple trees to grow.  The hope was to save the remaining crabapple trees and not to remove them all and replant with much smaller, youth trees.   This past spring, the remaining crabapple trees were treated for diseases.  Now at the advice of ProCare and the Arborists at Bartlett, they are pruning to remove dead limbs from the trees, shaping them and treating them with a “Boost” product to help promote growth and vitality.  Fall is the best time for this work and the board hopes to see the results of these efforts next spring!


If you would like to help with future projects like this one, the Windermere Board of Directors is always looking for home owners who would like to be involved in our  community.  Please consider volunteering your time and become a board member!  Use the "Contact HOA Board" button on the left for more information.




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